Training & Placement
Appasaheb Birnale college of Pharmacy, Sangli has an Industry-Institute Partnership Cell striving hard to bridge the gap between Industries & Institute, to foster effective interaction between Industry and Institute to impart meaningful education and to promote industrial consultancy & entrepreneurship. Many of the faculty members have R&D projects sponsored by leading National and International agencies. The alumni of this institute occupy very good positions in business, industry, R&D and academia in India and abroad. The Institute has consistently produced outstanding students who have excelled in their career and occupied responsible position in some of the best known enterprises in India and across the globe.

The Training & Placement Cell of our institution plays a pivotal role in counseling and guiding the students for their successful career placement which is a crucial interface between the stages of completion of academic program of the students and their entry into the suitable employment. In addition to campus placements, the Training and Placement Cell organizes Professional Development programs like mock interviews, group discussions, pre-placement talks, interactive sessions with industrial experts etc. and Personality Development programs covering communication skills, soft skills, career planning etc., on a regular basis to enable the students to acquire the necessary traits to become saleable to industries.
Mr. Ganesh R. Gadekar
Training and Placement officer